Wolf's Marine (Benton Harbor) Meet
Saturday March 3rd, 2012
Our first meet of 2012, hosted by Jim Cronk - was a good start for the year. Dennis, Charlene and Leo Hamp all covered an important topic for the continued success of the National AOMCI Organization as well as our local chapter - and that is, to be a member of any local chapter one must also be a member of the national chapter with dues paid. Anyone who is not current with their national membership dues cannot be eligible to be a member of any local chapter. If you are wondering if you are up to date on your dues, see the membership list available in the "inner sanctum" of the www.aomci.org website for national status, and contact Charlene or Leo for your Wolverine status. As we all know, only local members can participate in raffles, display motors, special contests like "how slow can it go", vote in the Awards events, and vote in our officer elections. Chicken dinner with salads for lunch hosted by Jim Cronk (with help from Charlene Hamp) was great as usual!
Click here to see contesting results from this meet.
| Click here to view the slideshow - or you can browse individual pictures taken at the meet below! |