Wolf's Marine (Benton Harbor) Meet
Saturday March 14th, 2015

3-15-2015 Peoples' Choice Show Motor Competition

Due to the small attendance, there were only 8 motors entered in the competition. Each of the entrants gave a 2 minute presentation on his or her motor to the attendees and that proved to be very enlightening. After the "People" voted, the following awards were presented:

Category Place Name Motor
Orig. Ant. 1st Amy Harrington 1948 Johnson TD-20
2nd Kelly Johnson 1936 Sea King (Thor) Single
Rest. Ant. 1st* Bill Bowers 1940 Champion B1F
1st* Noel Harrington 1940 Johnson AT-10
Novelty 1st Mark Suter 1939 Elto Pal in a Home-made Carrying Case
Electric 2nd** Bill Cochrane 197? Electropal Loco Motor
BOS Ant. Rog Dykehouse 1946 Martin 60
BOS Clas. Jim Wildgen 1956 Mercury Mark 6

* Tie
** Previous 1st Place winner that was ineligible to win another 1st Place at this time.

There were no entries in the Concours Antique, Unusual Antique, Original Classic, Restored Classic, Concours Classic and Unusual Classic categories. Our thanks go out to those who brought these interesting and great looking motors to display. Congratulations to the winners.


You can view individual pictures taken at the meet below. Click on any picture to bring up a larger version!

Thanks Kelly Johnson for your pictures, including some of Carol Solderstrom receiving the Golden Prop Award!