This year's Bathrick Marine Meet was held on Saturday December 3rd, 2022. Many, many thanks to our host Shannon Bathrick for having us again this year!
The weather was typical for December in Michigan, not too bad and no snow. We had a number of general public attend this meet and pretty decent attendence by our club members, and we gained a few new members!
This was a great meet with over 25+ display Motorss - host Bill Shattuck did a great job keeping the meet running on time. The "How-Slow-Can-It-Go" contest was typically competitive!
Kudos to some of our wives for all the lunch setup, distribution, & takedown. This year some members brought in chili to share making for an awesome lunch.
You can browse individual pictures taken at the meet below! Click on any picture to open and view it in large detail! Note that some are short movies!